VdS SPEC 3106 includes IP500 features
CoreNetiX provides highly efficient IP (Internet Protocol) based wireless intelligent network stacks on top of cutting-edge design solutions for Radio Chips. As a strategic partner we are glad that the new VdS SPEC 3106 for intrusion applications for commercial and industrial objects has added key features / elements of the IP500 / CNX Wireless Standard.
These key features have enhanced the VdS regulations for intrusion applications of class B (commercial and industrial buildings) to provide higher robustness, security and redundancy of a wireless security system.
The VdS SPEC 3106 will require all OEMs, building such security solutions, to adapt the IP500 features … so the IP500 / CNX200 Module .. in their next generation security solutions.
The IP500 Standard is now the only IoT Wireless Standard to be conform with the European norms (EN501xx by VdS).
Interested to learn more about CoreNetiX and IP500? Please feel free to get in touch with us.